Siddarth Kengadaran

Siddarth Kengadaran

Product Strategist

Siddarth Kengadaran is a product strategist with over a decade of experience at the intersection of technology and design. His passion is to explore how AI can go beyond its traditional role in automation and become a true collaborative partner within Agile teams. He is deeply interested in understanding how AI can improve team dynamics, making them more adaptable, efficient, and creative. With his background in product management and a forward-thinking approach, He is excited to share insights on how we can utilize AI to drive strategic growth and innovation in Agile environments.

Session Title

Beyond Automation: AI as a Collaborative Partner in Agile Teams

Session Overview

In the evolving landscape of Agile practices, AI is no longer just a tool for automation—it is emerging as a collaborative partner that can significantly enhance team efficiency, decision-making, and innovation. This session will explore how AI, particularly Generative AI, can be seamlessly integrated into Agile workflows to overcome common challenges and amplify the core principles of Agile.

We'll delve into real-world pain points Agile teams face, such as time-consuming documentation, lack of real-time insights, and repetitive manual tasks, and demonstrate how AI can effectively address these issues. By mapping AI capabilities to fundamental Agile principles—communication, trust, collaboration, continuous improvement, value delivery, customer satisfaction, and motivation—attendees will clearly understand how AI can elevate their Agile practices.